How big are your feet

4 and half - 7
34 votes

10+ (Giant feet)
3 votes

1-4 (Small feet)
31 votes

7 and half - 10
6 votes


MiMi xxx I'm.

MiMi xxx I'm only a 3 but I am ten years old

John10+ means size 10 and above so anyone with size 10 feet could answer C or D

LozzaI'm a size 7 and hate my feet

Lucygeorginaxx 💋@Lozza yeah same

Niall loves me!!I'm a size 12/13 and I'm nearly ten!

Amysorry John. I'm 2 and half. They haven't grown since year 9 which was 2 years ago. (Year 11 now). I don't mind my feet. Someone in my class has to have shoes specially made as he is size 15