What is the oddest age for pregnancy???

288 votes

Always OK!!!
46 votes

241 votes

81 votes


B-rad(Oddest not oldest)

Thomas @B-rad well it's still odd tho.

B-rad@Thomas Lol:$

Mélanie N.20-40

jodynever have a baby until u are married

Ira Vampira20 40

Ohsnapitzashlea14-18 is the wrongest 40-50 is the oddest

Ohsnapitzashlea14-18 is the wrongest 40-50 is the oddest

emraldYEThe oldest lady in the world getting pregnant would be oddest.

ǰʉłïⱥ ∞Middle aged women getting pregnant would be a lot rarer, and teen moms are common. Plus, some middle aged women physically can't anymore

Cutie_1515I know a couple people how got pregnant at age 14 some at my school are pregnant


katethe youngest pregnancy was 5 years old