Is it wrong to make-out on first? (My x thinks it was wrong)

68 votes

I do it all the time/comment
1 votes

No, do sex
21 votes

73 votes


Zoëno wrong, just too fast, I guess.


Filipino pride@Zoe I agree cuz ur just getting to know them

💘So In Love💘@Zoë did u already have sex?

Zoë@So In Love no, lol.

Zoë@So In Love why...?

💘So In Love💘@Zoë curiosity

💘So In Love💘@Zoë me too

Zoë@So In Love that's good :)

💘So In Love💘@Zoë ya

MandaPandaYou shouldn't make out on first dates. It leads to other things I've heard pretty quickly....


_______Wrong to make out on the first date? Well, I don't think so but I'm very good with body language and all so I would know if my date wanted me to kiss her or not.