Are you a natural blonde?

Yeah, natural blonde!
385 votes

I don't want blonde hair
811 votes

No, but I dyed my hair blonde!
108 votes


DOG LOVERi was blonde but as I'm getting older its turning brown

DOG LOVERi was blonde but as I'm getting older its turning brown

Angharad Toltonwas a brunette but hair naturally turned bleach blonde then it went brown naturally then I tinted it blonde then I had lowlights so its brown/blonde

Miss Merrygoldi want it blonde

Jodie Louise Patoni have natural blonde hair

Kellynaturally curly and blond same as all 3 of my other sisters

Finlay_xxi have natural curly blonde hair but as I got older the roots started to turn brown so I dyed my hair brown 😄

Sara@DOG LOVER same but I was born with black wtf

Niall loves me!!I'm GINGER AND PROUD!

Vintageflower@DOG LOVER same as me

Sarka123@DOG LOVER same

Sarka123@Niall loves me!! I like fingers

Sarka123@Niall loves me!!gingers



Call me crazy ❤❤❤😀😀I've always wanted to be blonde and I already love cause ur blond not like that though

Crazy.Irish.LepreSquirrelxi dip dyed my hair blonde

Frankie Pollingtonnaturaly goldon brown and curly with dark blond hi lights all natural going lighter


autum💀Natural red super curly hair but I dyed it purple