Do u ever feel like your boyfriend is spending to much time with other girls and not you?

No he only cares for me :)
70 votes

Yep and I'm dumping him because of it!
10 votes

Yeah it's disappointing :(
54 votes

I've never really thought about
44 votes


AwesomedaisymasterPlease comment!

QwibesMy boyfriend still spends time with his ex, I don't care cuz I know he loves me n she loves her boyfriend. I met her and she s actually very nice ;p What I'm trying to say is: I don't get why ppl make such a big deal out of it...

AwesomedaisymasterMy boyfriend spends more time with his ex then me and I don't like his ex because me and her used to be best friends but I know she still has feelings for my boyfriend and she's trying to steel him away from me. I would never expect my best friend to do that.

Qwibesthen maybe ur taste in friends needs a checkup? Friends don't do that...

Selina Swiftie ✨my boyfriend hangs out with plenty girls, i hang with his ex too, hes shown he trusts me and i should trust him too. Just make sure you two stay close and happy :)