If you could live in any which would it be

100 votes

616 votes

Some remote countryside
248 votes

94 votes


Jodie Louise Patonthts not how u spell edinburgh and I already live their yay

Justdoingmeits Edinburgi


amylouise13In niall horans house

amylouise13In niall horans house

Kit katlol I can't spell!!

Kit katI'm rubbish too don't worry!!

Kit katbut I can spell Edinburgh though

halleI already live in London

halleI already live in London

IwanI live in Cardiff <3

OliSpelt Edinburgh wrong. ( how insulting ) :)

Georgia spencer London love it been 16 times

NoyireetaUsed to live in London but now live in essex. Btw dont believe the only way is essex all the time we dont have those accents

YouAreLOVED<3I live in London :)

YouAreLOVED<3Yes Essex is very cool

chillipepperGuys don't be harsh on their spelling I sometimes do that so shhh

Lindsayxx💋I'd ❤ 2 stay in London

ally Edinburgh the best city ever!!

Ethan ConnollySome remote countryside

Ethan Connollyor with Megan fox lol