Can somebody be born a lesbian ?

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Jasminenope it's a choice

Reesethere's no other way than being born like that.

Reese@Jasmine: really? Do you think people would choose to be called faggots everyday & disgusting? No. It's not a choice.

Jasmine@Reese it is when u are born u don't know anything now do you

L I L Yno

Zoie smithNo it's a choice when ur born u don't even know 2+2 how could u be gay or lesbian

Reese@Zoie smith You have to learn what 2+2 is. Just like you learn what your true sexuality is.

Jasmine@Zoie smith exactly !!!

Zoie smith@Reese exactly. !

Reese@Zoie smith My point is, you're born with it

Zoie smithYou can't be born lesbian it don't make sense at all when u were born u didn't know anything & it's a choice when ur older

Zoie smith@Reese.

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Zoie smith what she is saying is that you don't decide what you want to be. You just are. When you're born you don't know that, but as you grow older you'll start to take interest in your own sex. It's not a choice. It is something that happens completely on its own and cannot be decided.

Zoie smith@👊Duchessjohanna👊 actually now that you kinda think of it u can be born gay or lesbian ...

Jasmine@Zoie smith nooooo I lost all respect for you now ;(

Zoie smith@Jasmine well idk what do u think ?

Jasmine@Zoie smith people cannot be born gay and you know it!!! Don't let people influence you with rubbish ideas


Zoie smith@Jasmine your right u can't be born gay or lesbian And @Jasmine are u lesbian ?

Jasmine@Zoie smith nope

Zoie smithOk good

Zoie smith@Jasmine

Jasmine@Zoie smith yuppp 😃

Jasmine@Zoie smith are you?

Zoie smith@Jasmine No (never) it's nasty I'm straight

ABSOLUTELY NOThis is tricky for me. I completely, 100%, believe in God, and Jesus. I'm confused on this gay thing. On one hand, I believe it's an evil temptation, something like adultery, as far as temptations go. You can DECIDE whether or not you're gonna actually cheat on ur spouse with that sexy ass guy that you met at ur friends party. On the other hand, I wonder if its a choice, why would so many ppl choose it? Coming out is very scary for some ppl, & can potentially ruin their lives. Why would they "choose" that? I'm on the fence with this one.

Jasmine@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! They choose it because we are naturally made to love the opposite sex that's how god made us but people believe that they can live how they want and love who they want so they feel if they like the same sex that that's just that and nobody can change them because they were "born that way" and people choose things in life with terrible consequence

Zoie smith@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! Right it's confusing !!!

Reese@👊Duchessjohanna👊 That's exactly what I was saying

👊Duchessjohanna👊@Reese I thought so :)

Reese@Jasmine Yes some people are like that but true lesbians, gays, & bisexuals were born with it. It may even be genetic. It's not always genetic but sometimes it is.

Jasmine@Reese I'm sorry I just can't believe that you know just because some people think that they are a boy in a girl body and stuff like that don't mean anything honestly there are some feminine boys who aren't gay! It has to be a choice! Because when you are born you don't know nothing

L I L YActually they are in a way they are kind of born with it but not It's like when you relies that there is such thing you think and the it's been in the back of your mind the whole time. Like you kind of relies that your gay or lesbian

ABSOLUTELY NOok, I'm listening to y'all, & there's great POV's on here. I believe that God loved us so much, that He gave us the freedom to make our own choices. That being said, I am leaning more toward even though someone may be physically attracted to the same sex, they still have the free CHOICE to act on it. This is where temptation comes into play. Just because a person WANTS to do something, doesn't mean they should act on it. We are supposed to live our lives to get into Heaven, even if it means sacrificing our own happiness. The finality of it all will be worth the sexual sacrifice.

ABSOLUTELY NO@Jasmine I'm waitin on ya......

L I L Y@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! I don't think sacrificing happiness just to get into 'heaven' is such a great idea because what is so great about 'heaven' anyway because what if it was like 'hell'? Then what because you sacrificed happiness in your living time and now your still unhappy or what if you get scared from your sadness that you go to 'heaven' and don't enjoy it?

ABSOLUTELY NO@Lily I'm sorry, what was ur question again? I'm confused. Are you suggesting to me that Heaven is not a perfect place of eternal joy?

L I L Y@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! Yes I'm suggesting that

ABSOLUTELY NO@Lily then are you atheist?

L I L Y@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! Well have you every been in 'heaven'? And yes, yes I am. Plus I don't want to get in to a fight but this is the internet after all

ABSOLUTELY NO@Lily I'm not here to fight. I'm just asking you a question. Ppl can have opposing opinions without fighting, sometimes. No, I've never been to Heaven, but I have faith. I believe in the word of God. If ur atheist, we have completely different views on life. Obviously ur free to do whatever you like. Only thing I can do is tell you that God, and Jesus are real. If ur willing to gamble on ur eternity, so be it. I'll pray for you still.

Jasmine@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! I actually agree with you on the whole choice thing and god gave us the freedom and the whole temptation and lust thing

Jasmine@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! You are 100% correct!!!

ABSOLUTELY NO@Jasmine thank you!

Jasmine@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! Thank thank you for having a brain!!!!

ABSOLUTELY NO@Jasmine no problem!! My God gave it to me! ( thought that was befitting 😉)

L I L Y@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! I'm just saying I would rather not have a fight because every time someone talks about god and I say I don't believe in him they get in to a fight with me. I would like to say that you are able to have your own choice about whom or what you believe in and don't let me stand in your way. If god came down to earth I would say to him 'I'm sorry I didn't believe in you, it just the evidence was pointing the other way' and if he was a such a nice guy he would forgive me because there are so many nonbeliever that if he killed them all then you guys might just turn on him. I rest my case.

Jasmine@BOW DOWN BITCHES!!! MINDY HAS ARRIVED!! Haha yeah ☺️☺️☺️😄😄😄


BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘@Jasmine I agree with you u have a choice to like a guy or a girl!!😳


A@L I L Y. It's refreshing to see such a smart, mature 11 year old in the world. If I have kids someday, I hope they're like you. :) It took me a little longer than you to figure out my own atheism. Go you!

Sarah😉😈🦄U don't choose to be bi lesbian or gay u realize it