What's your favorite 1D song

16 votes

Say no more
25 votes

They don't know about us
108 votes

What makes you beautiful
143 votes


1d lover xxxxthey don t know about us and little things and rock me and magic xx

meerkatemoonlight and say no more aren't 1d songs u directionator

Diamond&1DloverxxLittle things :*

loliaKiss you!!! :**

Tiffany @lolia love that song

Tiffany @Diamond&1Dloverxx love that song

EmmaStylinsonbest song ever btw moonlight and say no more are not one direction

TEBKiss you and best song ever


The real Mrs. Styles all

Kaymatt2All but mostly BEST SONG EVER because it is the best song ever

CFCloverforeverbest song ever and one way or another!!!

directioner/belieber@Kaymatt2 agree

Jessica Stonebest song ever !!xx

Lily TomlinsonALL OF THEM!


๐Ÿต๐Ÿ™ˆVictoria๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š kiss you

JordansFairyBest song ever and one way or another :*** โคโค๐Ÿ†”๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ


Mojo_0101all of themmm<3333

Ella RoseI like Best Song Ever

Girl version of Sam @meerkate thank you I was going to say that

JordansFairy<3 โ•”โ™ซ==โ•— WILL โ•šโ•— โ•”โ• NEVER โ•”โ• โ•šโ•— STOP โ•š==โ™ซโ• โ™ฅING 1D

Paolashe's not afraid