Is homosexuality something you are born with or is it a choice?

161 votes

Bit of both
84 votes

Born that way
165 votes


Jasminea choice

PersonnnNo clue. If it's a choice then it's a harder choice to live by than by deciding to stay straight. I say that because some people judge harshly against homosexuals.....If it's a choice, then why are they making it, considering that it might just make their life a bit more difficult? Idk *confused*

ABSOLUTELY NO@Personnn I absolutely agree. That's how I feel 100%.

CalvnKleinIt is undoubtedly an inherent natural birth trait, i.e. you are born that way. Why would anyone choose something that would cause you to be bullied, pre-judged, and even hated by others?!

AIs being straight a choice? It's been scientifically proved that homosexual brains are different from heterosexual brains. Same with trans people; someone who believes they were born female in a male body tends to have a female brain and vice versa.