Would u rather be a boy?

341 votes

876 votes

224 votes



NathalieGirls are better girls are beautiful

Claudiabeing a girl is hard Labor Period Sex Girls have it hard

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@Jasmine Ikr!

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]i gotta suck dick. So i love being a girl


YOLO!!✌️✌️💋💋✌️✌️😜😜Girls are sexy! The only thing is things like pregnancy!

2910boys dont do a lot of chores so its better to be like them 😕

.Boys don't have the period, so maybe :D

emraldYEYYYYEEEESSSS!!! I could do Boy Scouts! And hike the AT with no problems, since Id never get a period! And swim anytime I want! And not be discouraged and angered by sexism 24/7! And my dad would like me more, sadly!

esmieyes cause boys dont go through periods or cramps only voice changing but it sounds cute thoee

Tweetybird😘im happy being a girl! we reproduce which is like the greatest thing ever

Not Your Average CalvinI can't stand being called a lesbian or guy all the time and insecurity issues equals the wish to be a man.

laura:)1233Once a month would be nice 😂😂😂😂

mirandayes i really wish i was. im my high school, kids judge me bc im lesbian, and if i just turn into a boy, the judge will stop. so yeah, i would love it. besides, since i was 10/9 years old, i felt like a guy, and act like a guy, so yeah. a few years i've been asking myself if I should turn to a guy. you know, people shouldn't judge an transgendered. they dont need to know if i used to be a girl or not

Emily brownfor a week

🌺Rebekah🌺I would love to once a month😂