What's worse?

Extremely hot day and cool breeze
250 votes

Extremely hot day
335 votes

Extremely FREEZING day
1320 votes

Extremely hot day with HOT breeze
732 votes



laurie Lou it depends if it's snowing on the cold day?

I@laurie Lou - I'm not sure ... That's for you to decide. Personally the hot day with hot breeze is worse 'cause you cant escape the hotness but no one would want and extremely freezing day either?

BeckyIt's easier to get warm on a cold day then to get cold on a hot day

Jessi like them all!

Leahwhy does everyone hate the cold?? Lol stupid question but why ...

🌸i never complain when britan get warm weather cause we NEVER bget any

Annabelleu can always cool off but it gets really hard to warm up after being frozen... I live where the weather ranges from negative to 100+(Fahrenheit)