How much did the most expensive item of clothing you've ever bought cost??

Up to £50
222 votes

More than £200
228 votes

£51 to £100
198 votes

£101 to £200
92 votes


L.O.V.Ei brought a bag for over £200

maggiei got a dress for 2000 with shoes for 1000

maya_malik@yaz sme

maya_malik@maya_malik lol

JLS madI brought a bag for £120 some earrings for £140 and a brisemade dress for £180

jassy@maggie wow that's a lot of money for a dress and some shoes!!!!

ellieit was a ridding helmet🐴🐎

Teagan I'm only in my 8th year (I'm 12) soo not really but for my prom I'm gonna buy like something expensive and really cute!