What should my teacher call her baby (boy)?

739 votes

1264 votes

1182 votes

1819 votes


Charliewhat name is Alife?

Jemmie I think none is a pretty ace name.

Jemmie @theeps I think they meant to put !

Jemmie ALFIE!!

Chloe.BOliver, Harry, Sam, Callum, Chris, Brandon, Liam (some of my friends names lol)

Chloe.Bif he has already been named what is his name? X

RoryPlease not Keith

coucPlease not Alife !!

blah blahKeith is my dads name lolzez

JamilaName him Thomas

BethanyLName him bob. Simple as.

BethanyLName him bob. Simple as.

Awesome name him dan or Ben coz they r names for beautiful peeps

becca harrington πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ΅Daniel, it's a cute name πŸ’–

Ethan Connolly@BethanyL yes I think so to

One direction are GAYLewis


LilyI like Daniel

WolfCall him retard and teach him that life isn't fair

FKD, it's my initials.call it none. Nun

Rebecca Oliver

Zayn Malik my boy love u @Jessica Davis yea

OrlaCall him slug jokes Alfie

supahnoname :)

Dave leeDavid

cheesyme123should call it zayn

RubyAlfie and u don't spell like this Alife


Nomi Taylor Sean x


hiyaitslisaAlfie **

ScarlettJason's a badass name

ViviI think thomas but Austin would be awsome xx I wouldnt give my baby boy name Justin eww no way xxx

supahSeriously tho best boys name either Preston or coston

ScarlettJason's a badass name

ViviI think thomas but Austin would be awsome xx I wouldnt give my baby boy name Justin eww no way xxx

supahSeriously tho best boys name either Preston or coston

Millie πŸ‘ŒKieran

...elliot or Steven or Christopher or mark

chloesorry if anyone is called This but who calls their child Keith

rachelwhy it should be Christopher

😈LucyPipeFTW😈Alfie, please not Alfie, him bob simple as, Lewis, call it none nun, no name, Sam, Jason's a badass name, or Christopher or mark πŸ‘‚