What could you live without?

1223 votes

967 votes

1252 votes

2209 votes


JessAir, water and food!!!!

Erin lovesdimsumWell u have to do sport cos if u don't ull die of fattness

Erin lovesdimsumWell u have to do sport cos if u don't ull die of fattness

Becky xoxoi cant believe 21 ppl sed they cud live without animals!!

CoolCrowdI couldn't live without love because no one would be born and we'd be extinct! I love my rabbit too much to say animals. Sport you need to do or you'll become fat. I could live without money because then we wouldn't need to pay for anything and then we could just walk into a shop and take stuff. Then their will also not be anymore burglaries

BethExactly! That's so bait!!!

Keely Horanhate sports! So that's easy

Animal lover:Dmow awwww:D

Esme Jameson I love animals

IM ASTONS BIGGEST FAN ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™@Erin lovesdimsum u don't have to