If you could've stopped someone (out of these) dying in Harry Potter, who would it have been?

Albus Dumbledore
93 votes

Fred Weasley
113 votes

Sirius Black
114 votes

167 votes


Mrs Horan all of them

Sarka123Yh all of them

😈LucyPipeFTW😈Sirius black

ravingdavisI know this is going to sound really mean, but why would you save a fairly normal house elf over the greatest wizard of all time?

BrendaAll of them!!

MimiDefinitly Sirius


justcuriousthis is a good question but sooo hard?

Directionner4everProfesseur Lupin!

Cara@justcurious I agree x



justcurious@Cara thanks it's so hard to choose! Probs Fred

Cara@justcurious I was stuck between Fred and Sirius x

HotFuegogot to be Sirius! He was the only family(ish) Harry had left :(

LauraI just chose Sirius without even thinking, he's the first one that came to my mind!I cried my eyes out when he died! But I hated to see Fred go!


Courtneyisboss@Hettie yes!!! Dobby

It's_meeeeI cried when dobby died and I wish I wasn't being serious...I was an emotional wreck

Xxx_Hero_xxXDobby Fred and Sirius !!