Cute or not or kinda or maybe (where best friends so please don't say anything mean)

27 votes

9 votes

10 votes

35 votes


McKennai think you would be prettier without making faces no offense

JasmineAwwww u guys look so cute ad u look like sisters


Emma@Jasmine nope just BFF

Emma@McKenna ill posts a pic of no faces

JasmineAwwww u guys look so cute ad u look like sisters


Emma@Jasmine nope just BFF

Emma@McKenna ill posts a pic of no faces

Wolfit's we're not where

Nya ewwwww y'all look ugly making faces try no faces

Emma@Nya don't say mean things please

❤️gabby❤️@Emma u guys look cute

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@Nya SHUT UP THEY ARE CUTE

Sakanaru@Nya I saw your picture I wouldn't talk if I were you😒