Worst thing to vomit? (Yes, I know this a weird/gross question)

Mexican food!
43 votes

Chinese food!
25 votes

Other! (Comment!)
52 votes

Italian food!
20 votes



crazahunicorn@Jesse lol I guess that's true!

This girl.Mexican food, it most likely has hot stuff in it; do you really wanna... I don't know.

Shelby Smitha burger and Pepsi

Max powersWorse thing is if you have eaten a lot of solid food and no liquid it feels like your taking a dump out of your mouth. I know this from personal experience. It not only felt like I was pooping out if my mouth it sounded like it when it hit the ground too.

ShaffErNotbailys ice cream never felt so bad in my life

GingerPopcorn and slushi is the worst.

WedPluto769@Ginger hahaha yes...!

⭐️me💗🍫Steak on a plane😩

...any soda anything spicy and noodles