Do u think my dog is cute

Hate dogs
48 votes

Sí cute
244 votes

449 votes

827 votes


12345667908754I can't believe some people Said no selfish !!!! Jajjakaja

Ashley@CLAUI those people aren't selfish! Maybe they just don't like dogs! And everyone should have their own opinion and everyone should be able to express their opinion! So if you think it's mean then you're wrong because there are surely opinions you have expressed to people and they are the contrary of their opinion! And do they say you're mean? No!!!

12345667908754At the end when I said Jaja It was a joke @emily I now the people have to have their Opinion I know that ok??!!!!!😜


Francisco FentanesParece un trapeador pero is cute

linkrodriguezNo esta tan feo, lo que tiene es que lo tienes muy descuidado, necesita un baño y un buen corte de pelo

Wapa 2002 9Pues a mi me parace monosimo

monicaK raza es??