What math class are you taking now?

Algebra 2/ pre-calculus
127 votes

Algebra/ Geometry
422 votes

I'm not in Highschool yet
707 votes

I'm all done with math!!!!!!
176 votes


Julia I'm not in high school- taking algebra though!

crazahunicornI'm in algebra 1 in seventh grade :D

Julia I'm not in high school- taking algebra though!

crazahunicornI'm in algebra 1 in seventh grade :D

Wolf4I didn't see the third one I'm in middle school

Dark_chocolate1&onlymath Iv

Lalalalala_1256in middle school taking algebra 1 I'm proud.

francescai have no clue what is m taking cause I am in 6th grade

This girl.I hate math.... I just don't understand it.

KylieBearI'm not in high school but I'm taking algebra!!!