Am I immature for being 18 and pregnant

38 votes

79 votes

141 votes

No. I support you
133 votes


FlamePrincessAisha No, I support's must be challenging to be 18 and pregnant, so people don't hate her...she's 18 she's an adult...if she chose to do " it" its her because she needs to know that not everyone will be so mean.... Xx

brooke62199Yes. Premarital is a sin and breaks Gods command. So yes.


brooke62199@DancerGurl because she's not married

SwerveNaani14No, I support u becuz my Mom had me at 18

McKenna @brooke how do u know she's not married?

Demi styles@brooke62199 I'm ingaged and u don't believe in god so.

brooke62199@Demi styles obviously

Demi styles@brooke62199 you know what it's my fucking life. If I don't believe in god I don't leave me alone it's not your business

brooke62199@Demi styles I could care less. I was just saying. So

Demi styles@brooke62199 you look twelve so. Shut up

brooke62199@Demi styles really? Because you act 10. I'd rather look younger then i am, then act like you

Hunger games addict @brooke62199 SHUT UP ok it's her life so but out and @Demi styles chill out ok don't get so defensive

Lexi :) Um I'm pretty sure that's not your belly

Lexi :) that looks like a ball or a ballon or somethin that u just stuffed in your shirt

Lexi :) i mean honestly u can see it coming out of her sort

Lexi :) i mean shirt

Demi styles@alexis it's not its a pic off the Internet. I'm not posting a pic of my real stomach. Below the pic is supposed to say teen pregnancy right or wrong