Which one r u...

56 votes

Moaning myrtle
44 votes

156 votes

317 votes


KellieYou spelt Hermione and Dumbledore wrong.......

Crazy chick 123Sorry I can't spell

KellieYou spelt Hermione and Dumbledore wrong.......

Crazy chick 123Sorry I can't spell

Miku HatsuneHer name is Hermine in german

...Dumbledore cause im fucking awesome

...even his death was epic

BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘@... Haha so true!

BIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!❤️⚡️💚👑😃😍😘@... His death was epic!

DeletedWe write and say Hermine in german👊so yes she spellt right



GingerI'm that one chick in the background like "wtf is happening right now like dayum everyone freakin the fuck out" "Holy shit is that moldyshorts?! I heard of him! Ohhhh Harry made a nose joke, burn"

Emily brownI'm Ginny

Emily brown@Ginger girls are not CHICKS we aren't animals not dogs not chicks we are human
