Is religion the route cause of all wars?

575 votes

570 votes


penus6969Falklands wasn't based on religion...

littlemissgiggles165nor was the Iraq war, I think that was really for cheap oil

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aNot all but most others are land money etc

joenorth Korea......... They just like bombs

joenorth Korea......... They just like bombs

Daniel@littlemissgiggles165 you idiot. The iraq war was against muslims and islamic people who were terrorists. Oil was involved but wasn't the start of the war

lilyyes maybe!!!

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!a@Pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097 wrong most are Americans going to war for money