Which do you say for a television remote?

194 votes

628 votes

Other/more than one of these answers/dont have a tv
766 votes

Remote control
1768 votes




Monkeyface92lol doofer?

Livz <3just remote

Jordiejust remote :(

Jordie*:) oops not a sad face



LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHting or troller ting

HumbugRemote :3


Beckyy 😘remote

Kit kati say remote

Beckyy 😘remote

Kit kati say remote

Sarah😘The button!


Graeme Ahearnremote

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aFlicker


One direction are GAY@Lala same



Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!a@Swifty arhhh

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!a@Swifty death burn her

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!a@Swifty kill her decapitate her children

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aRun while you can

Pi=3.1415926535897 cookie monster omm nom nom pasta party, cous cous party, ice cream yum party troll face forever alone minecraftia diggy diggy hole griefer dwarf clone army CAMEL light switch lamp shape the cleaner pigs fly treeborg the 194th?simples!!aBEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara@Pi=3.14159265358979323 ummm

HannahI can it a doda


Niall loves me!!I call it a dooda thing my, friend calls it a changer remote lol xxx

Leigh-Anne Pinnock 🍌🙊just remote

awesome1Just the simple word remote and most I the time I forget so I ask my dad to get the thing and he doesn't understand so I have to get up and get it myself


sophh xxi use remote and dooffer haha x

LucyloorobertsonRemote :)


No.1 niall horan fanjust remote;)

MiMi xxx Stick

Ethan Connolly@MiMi yep


Emily xx ❤@Leigh-Anne Pinnock same!! Just remote!!:)

Emily Remote


Jodie🐸🍷i say tele remote:)

Amelia!?!i just say remote

hiyaitslisaUsually just say remote

TOTORO💙👊💙Dobrie actually (Miranda :D)

Kira remote


Jodie🐸🍷i say tele remote:)

Amelia!?!i just say remote

hiyaitslisaUsually just say remote

TOTORO💙👊💙Dobrie actually (Miranda :D)

Kira remote

H❤RRY 4 Eva My dad dad says box


Haley Sedgwickjust remote




LucyLu@Lydia same xx

Holly xRemote

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!I say doovie

epic person123456789controller


Macy@Hayley me to

Zoe stylesRemote xxx

Rebecca 💜remote

xXMeenzXxI call it remote or ditdit lol xx

frankie clicker

LMDDi just say remote

ICantImagineADayWithoutYouRemote or controller

Epic Guy @Pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097

Epic Guyur random

Epic Guyi called it the big red button

Lucas i say clicker

mattkay347Either remote control or click. 📺

