Do U recognise this photo ?

£ libra
119 votes

¥ yen
150 votes

$ dollar
270 votes

€ euro
1462 votes


mauraIt's a euro idiots!!!

crazahunicornI'm American and I know it's a euro XD What's happening to this country...

mauraIt's a euro idiots!!!

crazahunicornI'm American and I know it's a euro XD What's happening to this country...

Dj@crazahunicorn I just guessed and got it right!!!

xmotherfuckerx@crazahunicorn How do you know it's only Americans who picked it?

xmotherfuckerx@maura how can people be idiots if they don't fucking know?? Maybe people don't know that money because they don't use it. Just stfu hoe!

xmotherfuckerx@crazahunicorn maybe people don't know what kind it is because we don't live there? Ever thought of that dumb fuck??

Angell👼❤Een euro!

IceManIt's actually cent not euro (I'm Irish)

Paola g3💋EURO of course!