You find a wallet in a changing room do you

Leave it there
612 votes

Take it to the police
721 votes

Keep it
1608 votes

Give it to a shop assistant
1552 votes


Tomtake any spare money hand in the wallet

JessThat's probably a good idea

JessThat's probably a good idea

it's all about me isabellica @Jess you are ugly

😜@It's all about me the photo is not even u so stop saying stuff about other people its horrible

k.a.y.a_x@It's all about me that's horrible , Jess is gorgeous xx

Animal lover:Dor steal it....


kwaix hahahaha


kwaix hahahaha

Haley Sedgwickshop assistance might keep it

daisyraedanielspolice Denny

KidIt depends cuz i would take some cash then leave it

🎀Girly Girl@ it's all about me isabellica ur ugly ass hell to stupid bitch hoe go fuck yourself