Do you know what DNA stands for (I do!)

Heck yea
178 votes

(Shrug) nope
60 votes


Mimirox What does it

Morgan-is-my-name!Well I don't know how to spell it but its pronounced de-oxi-rival-new-claig-acid

WolfDeoxyribonucleic acid

Adam@Mrs Lautner pronounced de-oxi-ri-bow-new-claig- acid

Cadence Jones@Wolf_fire99 yes


Don't be nosey@Wolf_fire99 yes

jamiedeoxyribonucleic acids

Morgan-is-my-name!k thx

That kidYes

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑why is the most popular answer yes? Wtf most people on this app are 12 years old, they do not know. I'm studying a level biology and didn't know

HDeoxiribonucleic acid. A LEVEL BIOLOGY FTW. :D



muke.are.rejects@sweetiecattiem That doesn't mean to say everyone on this crowd is 12!!!!!

Morgan-is-my-name!@Sweetiecattiem well most people who have answered know!

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@firstjumper_tris no that's just fact

Wolf@#HCQ sweetcattiem👑 I'm still in GCSE and we were taught it back in year 8...

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑I thought it was deoxyribose acid

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑but I was wrong

Wolf@#HCQ sweetcattiem👑 indeed

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@Wolf why were you taught it though? We weren't taught it because you don't need to know until a level, DNA isn't on the GCSE specification so

Wolf@#HCQ sweetcattiem👑 A kid called Josh got curious and asked our teacher. She went into massive detail after that.

HoneyYour all wrong it's Deoxyribose nucleic acid

Hayden Palliser-barrettDeoxyribonucleic acid Is the right spelling learnt it at school the other day