Do you think the Wii U is worth it?

99 votes

110 votes


Emily MNo, Xbox 360 or PS3

gamowii u is better than ps4 or xbone

Jeff my bro thinks so

JackRyan@gamo You are an idiot

gamo@JackRyan, hey, let's see... How Many good exclusives has the PS4? Wii u has Mario 3D world, wonderful 101, Mario kart 8, zombi u, nintendo land, Pikmin 3, Zelda Wind Waker HD, hyrule warriors, bayoneta 1/2, Smash bros U, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Devil's thir, oh, and the indies

.Yes !! 👏

.@JackRyan You're not better 😓

JackRyan@gamo The only good exclusives on wii u are smash and kart. Which r really good. But a console isn't only defined by exclusives. The ps4 is probably 4 times more powerful than the wii u. Plus Nintendo just makes the same games over and over again. I mean how many frickin' Mario games r there?!

JackRyanOh. And ps4 has Naughty Dog so they automatically have the best exclusives. I would say ps4 is the best console. Then wii u. Then xbone