Does America have dollar land? Like we have pound land.

Good question.
641 votes

370 votes

333 votes

I'm not sure.
648 votes


JenniLol why didn't you make this available to EVERYONE and not just Britain?

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH99c store (I'm not American but have been there)

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH99c store (I'm not American but have been there)

Carla would be cool

PerrieEdwardsin Spain they have euro land so they might

PerrieEdwardsin Spain they have euro land so they might

tessma12It's true we have "💵 land"

Ethan We have the" dollar store"

🎵❤Erin❤🎵I think they have the 99 cents store coz that's where Shane dawson x

Livvv🌿🌍👽💿i think it's dollar tree

IT IS GOAT !!!!!!@trollhunter Yeah they do x

bebe@Oliviaa💙 It is dollar tree