There is a rumor at my school that I like a boy who I really don't like what should I do thu think I'm in denial

70 votes

26 votes


halo20Just ignore it if whoever keeps spreading rumors about you they aren't your real friend

Spin Fignore

MinnieFace them and tell them to Shut Up!

InstaBosssame with me.

Nayawell it's hard to ignore them when all of my friends keep bringing it up and not to brag but I have a lot of friends which makes it even harder to ignore

carleyxoxoConfront them and tell them that it bugs u and they should mind there own business

______U comment duh ohhh

victorialook for the person who. Starded it and face them off

Naya@victoria what do I say

Diamond&1DloverxxTell a teacher that someone's spreading rumours or spread one about the person doing it ;)

mrbilllet it do and move on

Naya@mrbill I can't everyone brings it up its so annoying

AcerMurder the guy

Natasia VenturaTell people that you don't like this boy.

TheReal$oular@Natasia Ventura that's what denial would be

TheReal$oularjust don't sweat it . They're looking for reactions. Ignore it and it'll blow over fast

Marisa 😝spread a rumor about the person who started the one about you mwahahahaahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahaha

kirahjust b all like if u dont believe me u dont have to belive me. Pull the guy to the side when noones around and tell him that u dont like him and that everyone is hurting u. Tell him u dont want to be friends if ppl are going to tell u that u like him. Cry if u can. It helps. Hopefully he will get ppl to stop. Trust me, i've been in your situation. If that doesn't work, try asking out guys that u do like to get ppl to see or think that u are over him. Ppl can be stupid. Hang in there😊