How do u post pictures as answers someone please tell me please comment

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286 votes


mrbilldon't think you can alter a post, just comment.

Alyssa@mrbill well that sucks thank u

deanyou can whan you go on ask question swip across the screen from right to left then tap on abox and put a picture and question

Edgrthjkiikk@Alyssa what?

Alyssa@dean thanks

Alyssa@Emily the Great I mean like u know people put pics as answers I wanted to know how to do that

Alyssa@dean oh I see now thank u

lyriclundyou ask the question and then click the bottom and put in pictures

lexi@dean yea and Just put ur pics

Carlos PortilloGo to goodwill and donate your life that was a stupid question.

SarahWhen you press ask on middle down button, it will take you to which crowd you want to send it to, pick one and it will show you the asking screen. On the bottom right hand side it will have a button that says " pics in your answers". Then press it and there you have it.

Kenzie;)@Carlos Portillo!! That was a little immature. Just sayin

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Why don't you ask your older siblings to help you? If they have HeyCrowd." Or younger siblings to help you if they have HeyCrowd if there smart!

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Well I know that's stupid to say>3

#Mrs.RocRoyalPick A crowd and then at the bottom there should be a sign that says pics as answers and then Yu press it and then bam boom

Amandapick a crowd put your anwser then go to the bottom of the screen and hit pics in anwsers

endofstorybabe1. Click ask (its green) 2. At the bottom it says "pic with your answers"

annabananaAsk, Poll a crowd, Type question, Scroll down, Pics in answers, Choose from directory, ASK!

savannahohh my god

SabrinaWhile making a poll, slide ur finger on the screen towards the left and it will give u picture slots

#н¢¢иααиιit will say "pics in your answer"

#н¢¢иααиιat the bottom

LalaClick "pics in your answer". It will be at the bottom

Jr.fuzzyAsk for a pic