Do u believe in God?

No not at all!!
63 votes

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38 votes

531 votes


mrbillya need something to believe in, ESP these days.

Abby Romano @mrbill yes amen :)

Rebekah@mrbill what does that mean?

heart@Rebekah right

Rebekah@ heart what??

heartwhat marbill said

Rebekahyea I k but what does that mean?



SavannahI love god

ASHLEY:)love god

makayla@Rebeka Who ever doesn't believe in god is going to he'll for real

Edgrthjkiikkgod made all of us

Rebekah Ikr every body should believe in God!!!@makayla

jerseygirl18zzzgod is ur savvier

namehe is so amaz how can some one not

Belieber and directioner I love god like so much can't explain it

HannahI <3 God. God forgives the Atheists. He forgives everyone. I don't believe he will send them to Hell. God bless everyone!

Higod is amazing

AJsuedei think he promotes good values but everything else seems irrelavent.


danbeezdefinitely don't believe in god at all.

Alisha hariGod is a very forgiving God and I love him with all my heart

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Yes of course

Hunger direction!!!!!yes

lexi@danbeez how can u not he risked his sons life for u

Catch_me_if_u_cantotally he is my idol

Catch_me_if_u_cangod bless u

isabell@danbeez go to hell drop dead

bookwormwell I have a theory. If no one has ever proved he's real, then someone must've made it up, because how would they know if he's real or not, out of all those people?!

Abby lauridsenI love god

Abby lauridsenWhat does dog spell backward