If you saw Fred what would you do ?

Who's Fred
654 votes

Kill him
331 votes

Ask him what's wrong with his voice
445 votes

Ask him for one of his cool T shirt
365 votes


lilsprinkelsutube fred!!!

holly Can't stand him

Georgiawho IS Fred?

JadeFred as in dude with squeaky voice ? I hate him

Ellie he's awesome

Monkeyface92Fred Flintstone?

emm@Ellie yh he is ace!!!

starstruck@Monkeyface92 he's on YouTube

mattysc99Fred should go die. He is the most annoying person on this planet. Except Justin bieber

Rosa 💋✌how can any one not know who Fred is he's a YouTube sensation and producers made two films on him!!

Rosa 💋✌but still he's pretty annoying!

Rosa 💋✌how can any one not know who Fred is he's a YouTube sensation and producers made two films on him!!

Rosa 💋✌but still he's pretty annoying!

Squigglydoo@Ellie I so agree he's hilarious

Frankie Pollingtonoh right yh hi

ChloeHowarthi love fred the movie..lol

Selenastar7148@Monkeyface92 it's not Fred flinstone it's Fred figglehorn I think