Does it bother u that jb takes drugs a smokes?!? Comment why!! Xxx

Who is JB???😨
4 votes

Doesn't bother meh😏
96 votes

Hell yeh!😑
33 votes

Don't really care about JB😳
33 votes


didutea7but he doesnt its just his friends he did once he even said sorry on the miley cyrus skit watch it... They found drugs on the caroet taken jnfrom lil twist ...

Vivi@didutea7 well idont know i think he wants to act hard coz of his haters

Don't be noseyi think it's all a load of rubbish xx

Bailey ParkHe can do what he wants

AbbyπŸ’œβœ¨πŸ’@Don't be nosey How ?!?!

Haboosha Hhey Crownhis happiness is complete when he's healthy ... And by taking the shit he takes he'll never be happy or be the same old justin he used to be .. Which hurts

ameliait doesn't bother me because he is still sort of a teen and becoming a teen is about trying new things or doing bad things but it's all apart of growing up all it matters is if he is happy and healthy.πŸ’œ #belieber #for #life