Is It Ok To Be Gay?

Of course! I <3 Gays
17 votes

I don't care
11 votes

I am gay/lesbian
1 votes

No!! (comment why)
10 votes



BlueBerryBearnope bcoz God said it to us , and we should be happy and lucky to them

BlueBerryBearI mean happy and lucky to have them

Amonnagod said what?

Amonna@BlueBerryBear god said what?

Kaebreyy my sister is gay and she is awesome and all gays are awesome male or female they are perfect humans I love all gays :)

Hannah💕🙈soz about that one its a little random

Lexi😍It isn't ok but to the people who want to pick on them and throw religion on them god said hate the sin not the sinner and you are giving Christians a bad reputation

bellI think it's okay because I don't really care what other people are doing. It's not like they are hurting anyone lol

SakanaruYeah its the 21st century live & let live

WardaBeing gay is a sin. It is against many religions.