My wrist has been hurting for about 2 months and it clicks when i rub it what is it?

14 votes

Carpel tunnel
19 votes

I don't no see a doctor! (Comment other)
150 votes

95 votes


LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHmaybe a dislocation

Jenny_Rose_xoxi don't know, sorry

🎵❤Erin❤🎵My friend had that and it goes after a while

Katyit's just a sprain it will heal

Abby💜✨💍it's just a sprain don't do any pressure on it or it will not heal

alexi2000h@🎵smudgy123🎵 OMG same!!

Sunshine Babe :*Same on two of my fingers and on my big toe

RoseElizabeth🌸It's either a sprain, torn tendon or a fracture. Go to the doctor if it gets worse

MelodyWintersIt might be a dislocation

MelodyWintersYou should go to see a doctor to get it checked

Anna That happened to me and I chiped it

HollyLolly🎀My friends is like this but worse. And I don't know what is wrong with it. I have tried going a sports clinic for her but it doesn't get better. She says turning pages In a book hurts

Alive_GeorgiaMines like that to, a few days ago my laces trapped around my bike chain and I couldn't cycle or get of my bike cause it was stuck so my bike fell on top of me and to protect my head I put my hand out and my wrist hurt real bad for a while after that . I'd say leave your wrist for a week and if it still hurts contact a doctor