Are blonds actually dumb?

Yeah, blonds are dumb and I'm blond!
16 votes

No, blonds aren't dumb and I'm blond!
70 votes

No, blonds are not dumb!
191 votes

Yep, blonds are dumb!.
91 votes


LalaI'm blonde and I'm top of the class and they're a lot of smart Alec's in my school

Ella-Jane 🐬🌊🐬🌊@Lala. Same with me

👍Izzy the sugar monster 👍hey offensive

SamI'm blonde (but its fake)

jokeI'm brunette! Not all blondes r dumb but most actually are (hehe, sorry to any blondes)

Lucy no!

MillsI'm blonde and I'm the smartest girl in my year

Bvb fan some are