Are you old enough to drink??

372 votes

Yes, I'm over 21
147 votes

No, but I drink anyways
180 votes

No, I'm counting down the days
243 votes


lg492just turned 21

Chrystlesweet.!! Happy belated birthday @ig492.!

YvesWow. The poll makes me feel old even if i am only 21

theFISTI have been old enough since i was 16

Parisgonna be 21 soon

Purple girl💜I'm 9

Paige Donachie18 is the legal age to drink in England :)!

Anahi_Jimenezim 9......

GabyIn canada i am xD

GabyIm 19 :)

ANONYMOUSIt's disgusting

RaeganI will never drink

Prettysha❤️🐓[blocked user]I'm old enough to drink cum

MarikaIn Quebec I am. I'm 18 years old :)

#н¢¢иααиιI'm 12... So no, and I don't count the days!!!

lovely-SarahNeverr !!

Lana I'm 15 and I've already started drinking soo but I don't drink a lot though every once in the blue moon I might but no I don't drink a lot

Bossassbitchpffft 16 is the drinking age where I live ✋

DeletedIn swiss we only have to be 16 im 13 ✌️ i dont wait

#н¢¢иααиι@👊Datmurrfuckinhoe👊: In NY???

simran what is that

olavhyldmoi just need to be 18 to drink

Anahi_JimenezI am 21 but I do not drink

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑I'm 9 so no


YouTube_is_lifeI'm 10 and even when I aloud to I will not

Abby18 is the drinking age

Daniel Garciai'am 12 so...

LoveNeverFadesI'm 12 and part German/Puter Rican so yes a sip of wine or a little alcohol