One of my friends told a boy in my class that me and my friend fancied him wat shood I do cause I am really confused ????

Tell him that u like him and let's go out
142 votes

Break up with the friend that told him
68 votes

84 votes

Tell him you only like him as a friend
142 votes


Emmanot a true friend if she does that. Any real friend keeps ALL your secrets, no matter if you fall out either

😈LucyPipeFTW😈break up with the friend that told him😄

Becky@Lucy yh

Kiwiif you like him, go out. But you shouldn't still be friends with whoever told him that cos they not your real friend

AlexShe isn't your friend, my friend did that to me and I didn't talk to her as much as I did and now we aren't even friends and that was one of the reasons

jessIf u like him go out with him but if u don't then don't go out with him. :)

Ross Clementthreeway

#HCQ sweetcattiem👑@jess I agree