Who thinks I should continue with my dream to be a music producer

24 votes

If you keep going at it
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Look in the comments for story
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Ethan ConnollyI have made music since I was 11 and recently some people two classes above me got my phone and that's where I record my music on and they say it is shit but all my friends say its good and I write lyrics for my friends who can sing

Saphire Pauls@sconlybonly however those people where they need to get some common sense! I think if you're motivated enough, you can make it- become a YouTube star first xx

Ethan Connolly@Ariana + Clarissa x thanks I'm glad to know that some people are nice

xxxxAmeliaaxxxxYeah you should go for it! I love writing songs and things and your story shows you were born to do it! :) Those people are just jealous of your music :D

Ethan Connolly@StudentAtHogwarts❤ thanks I glad there are nice people to help and motivate me

Matthew@sconlybonly don't you think GUI Lepine is a paedophile

Ethan Connolly@Matthew yes he so is and so does @ariana + Clarissa x don't you

Akisha cool

Akisha Write a comment