Who is ur fav character on glee and who has the best voice

45 votes

33 votes



VanessaFav character Santana best voice Rachel and Quinn

Naya@Vanessa my fav characters are brittany santana and Kurt the best voices to me are reached santana brittany artie pick and jake

Erika SmithSantana<4 & Rachel has the best voice.

EmilyKurt Rachel and Santana

Naya@Emily as best characters or best voices or both?


lg492Rachel or Finn

AshleyRachel, Finn, Santana, Quinn, and Kurt and the best voice is Rachel of course

❤️❤️Luke❤️❤️Bryan❤️❤️Blaine/Kurt/Santana/Sam/Rachel... To close to say

Fanny LarochelleRachel

Natasia VenturaI don't watch Glee.