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17 votes

142 votes

522 votes

100 votes


Sup_ya_peices_of_swaghave other choices

heart@Rachel right

Dat boi popplioPandas


CehrebhaddThis is el stupido

💜country girl💜I hate when people put the same answer on every answer

💜country girl💜who's with me

Miku Hatsune@💜country girl💜 i'm. I love cats :3

I love you HiddlestonNo

Samantha CynnWow. Thank you so very much for giving me options. I chose "Dogs" (obviously of my own free will). 😐 (SARCASM ALERT)

Elizabeth@Rachel ikr

Elizabeth@Miku Hatsune i do too

Juliapandas and horses

Dancegirl18@Samantha Cynn ha

hannah6424 U didn't really give us a choice there.... Lol


nautica_moneai see what u did there

Sydneydon't like dogs

nautica_monea@Sydney lol!😃

Sydney@nautica_monea thanks

YOLO!!✌️✌️💋💋✌️✌️😜😜@Sydney whaaaaaaaaaat????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 😮😮😮😮😬😬😬😬😧😧😧😧😯😯😯😯


Miku Hatsune@Sydney i like cats mich more


👾Ima🎮Wolf🎵Girl🐺NO DOGS!!!

Loulovesushi@Ima wolfgirl👾🎵🎮🎶🍱. Same thing!!

Bailey@Miku Hatsune you are like the only person aside from myself that feels that way. Thank you. :)

Bossassbitchhmm that's a tough one.. I'm kinda suck on the first answer and the third one, not too sure though.

.No, I love cats 😼😾

.@💜country girl💜 Me too
