What does LOL mean!?

I don't know what lol is! 😨
25 votes

17 votes

Laugh out loud
1086 votes

Lots of love
54 votes


shakeira+Harry styles 💕lick orange lemons lmfao !

KEEPCALMANDCARRYONWho doesn't know what it stands for.lol

I am 11 btw not 9 but i look ita porson who dose not know what lol means

PerrieEdwardslike or love

😜love other lovers

Tia is awsome !!!Lol

ariLIVE out loud

Emily*lough out load = lol


Sofialick old labias

🎸JadeLand of lollipops XD

becky_mursLick orange llamas

tømTu pues