Worst lesson at school (I hate all of em)

I luv school lessons
39 votes

65 votes

Drama p.e or art
118 votes

Maths,English or science
248 votes


LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATHall my teachers r dicks

JamezI hate RE

ICantImagineADayWithoutYouI hate math, I love English social and drama. Who could hate drama? It's an elective so you only take it if you want to (at least usually) and it's so fun!



josiething is you put a lesson I hate (maths) and a lesson I love (English) in the same option

AnastazjaI don't really like maths but English and science are ok

FrozentasticYou've put maths,English science on one so no one can choose them can they
