Is twilight stupid gay or perfect or awesome

190 votes

246 votes

281 votes

276 votes



Swagger Sony write "gay" on there because some people find it very offensive and if your meaning it as in "happy" wich I know your not, say happy because we don't live on the 17th centurie so stfu

luvabull @Swagger u go girl!!!!!

Rythian Miku Twillight is terrible!

Reretwilight is the best movie/book series ever!!!

Vlad Plasmius@I LOVE JAPAN!!!!!!!! Thank you for hating me for not liking a certain movie. Now I can lose a little more faith in the judgmental minds of humanity.

LaurenI love Twilight. But I also don't like it because some movies/ books change who we are. @ilovejapan you shouldn't hate people because they don't like twilight. And btw that kindve makes you look childish.

Noname@I LOVE JAPAN!!!!!!!! Thats not right to hate somebody because pf what they like or not they have the right to say what they want


πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Dont listen tuh Swagger cause I think it's gay.

...GAY it so retarded makes Forrest Gump look like rocket scientist

Renee21πŸ’‹It's so good

Isabella Henson I like twilight dont get me wrong but it took a long time for them to finally stand up get married and defeat everyone plus give half of the people who watched the last movie a heart attack but it is good i am just saying that Harry potter is better it is more about fighting for what you believe in and having friends by your side not leaving anyone behind and keeping people close to you but twilight is how important it is to have a vampire boyfriend

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Renesme was SO pretty.