Do you like green day?

69 votes

85 votes

I don't care.
76 votes

Yes!!!i love they!!!
396 votes


lg492not really

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI LOVE GREEN DAY.

Catei fucking love them!!!


creator of randomness@SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER Green Day, my poor uneducated acquaintance, are the best FUCKING BAND IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD!!!! Basically, if you like rock, you love these mad, crazy, loveable guys!

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@creator of randomness right I listen to the ppl that created rock music like led zep ac dc iron maiden Jimi Hendrix the legends of music

creator of randomness@SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER I get it. You like metal. Green Day are more punk. Or alternative you could say if you like. No idea if you would like them, but I love Green Day. So, um yeah

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@creator of randomness proper music not cunts in face paint that think there good by copying other ppls music

creator of randomness@SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER oh, fuck off. Different people, different opinions and all that shit, but just fuck off. This conversation is done

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@creator of randomness dat reaction lol

creator of randomness@SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER *that.

LOLCATZOFFUNNYDEATH@creator of randomness for fuck sake

Cate@SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER what songs has Green Day copied?

The_87th_DoctorGreen Day is the best fucking band ever