Ladies, do older men look better if they dye their grey hair?

657 votes

1025 votes


Mariah Refractor Walleryou look good with a little grey!!

Angieif its not really obvious they died it...

bailey loves robinsonsame as Angie

KirStinDepends on the guy.


Sapphire@KirStin I agree.

Rachelif its natural then yeah

FlamePrincessAisha Only a touch of gray

RebeccaIt depends on the guy but a lot of men look great with grey hair.

Brittany @Rachel whaaaaat??? If what's natural? The hair dye?!??

PersonnnDepends...I once saw this one man with completely white hair and he looked great. He looked elegant.....majestic even. Not the dumbledore kind of majestic though...he had no beard 😄

RANDOM@Personnn Lol

ABSOLUTELY NOSome men look handsome & well established with gray hair. One silver fox named, George Clooney, comes to mind.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ABSOLUTELY NO haha yes!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Danny Ocean....