Are u a dancer

No but going 2
49 votes

646 votes

112 votes

I don't take dance but I dance for fun
275 votes


Paytonim nit a dancer but im in all star cheer im very flexible!!!!:)


lg492Used to be

💜Kelsie😋I'm a dancer:D

Dancegirl18Nice needle

InactiveI have been dancing for 11 years and I'm 12 yrs old. I train 28 hrs a week. I train in all styles but I do ballroom for fun:)

sarahi do gymnastics not dance.

Lucy Hale ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Not that flexible. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

sarah Lol. I'm really flexible its scary. Haha. But I used to do dance.

Inactivei just had a birthday so now m other comment has to change! I'm 13 and have been dancing for 12 years.

jaybirddancer11 yrs (I'm 12) competitively and 21+ hrs a week

Candy girl11yes I need dance

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Ballet woot-woot!!!!

IsabellaLove dance

Joshuamy gf does