What colors should I get my braces??

Purple and blue
219 votes

Green and white
96 votes

Other comment....
115 votes

Blue and white
176 votes


IceManClear they're less noticeable

Ashleypurple and orange

!nfinit¥get clear ones

mayav8do not get green it looks like friken vomit clear ones look awkward cuz they are not actually ivisible white looks bad cuz it shows how yelliw ur teeth are in comparison do purple and blue

IpakBlue and green or blue purple pink

Tiffany Pink and white

Kagamine rinBlack and yellow

Directioner💕Foreve😘blue and green or red and blue or purple and blue

jordanawoodclear costs and isn't a choice

•brandon•Orange and blue.

Laila😘😛pink and light blue

alyx lewisHOT PINK AND BLACK 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Mykaela Hot pink and blue

Coop Don't get white....white will stain..

Coop I'd get all hotpink like I did or orange and silver

Dylann Just choose your favourite colour😊

Inactiveclear stain easy so don't get clear

desypoohPink n purple

taylorfan#1!!!!!!!! Blue

sparks I have braces too

deadpoolRed and Black

hannah6424pink and light blue

Mariah!(:❤😃Hot pink and teal


jaybirddancerDon't get white or clear it's easy to stain


Kendraxxwhatever you like.

Jasmine😜😝😛hot pink and lime green☺️

Not Your Average Calvinpurple and green
