Craziest celeb

Tampon girl
115 votes

Lindsey Lohan
198 votes

Taylor swift (comment why cuz I don't think she's crazy but other ppl do)
82 votes

Amanda bynes
103 votes


lg492Amanda bynes in deff outdoing Lohan these days.. Crazy

YvesAll of them are crazy asses.

Naya@Yves ikr

Annabeth Taylor swift isn't crazy! How dare you guys!!! >:(

YvesTaylor swift is absolutely crazy.. Half of the men in hollywood are her ex boyfriends.

Naya@Yves that doesn't make her crazy

YvesI have my own opinion.

ZEBRA@Yves what ever, hater


I ❤ 1D!!!!!Lindsey lohan

Cuteandcoollindsey lohan

KamychouniLindsey and Amanda!

MentalInsanityGod that tampon vid was absolutely disgusting!!!

JordansFairyJesus christ i hate Taylor Swift

{ €mily } 💙miley cyrus

H-A-T_rappersTaylor because she is so fucking stupid never want to hear her music again

Ethanthat bitch be thirsty

Jasmine😜😝😛I really don't like Taylor Swift!!!

Candy girl11@Cuteandcool agree

💚Brittany💙The tampon bitch isn't even a celeb? Lol

SakanaruWhos Tampon girl?!

Ethan@ArmageddonOuttaHere! I think it's a girl who ate her used tampon 😖