What is your favorite movie from below?

923 votes

411 votes

The king and I
172 votes

Sound of Music
422 votes


Macndopyou know most of those are musicals not movies

Danielae.t was just scary

joyful122the hills are alive!

AwesomeMe!!!i luv et!

AwesomeMe!!!i luv et!

Mrs.tomlinsonLove e.t and sound of music

Luigii got to say Scooby-Doo actually


Haters gonna hateThe king and I

FalloutboyyyyyyAnnie and the sound of music! Love them both!!

Haters gonna hateThe king and I

FalloutboyyyyyyAnnie and the sound of music! Love them both!!

ChristinaExtra tester all

Christina H.I love E.T. But I have watched the first 10 minutes of the movie for a week straight over and over again because we were "dissecting the scene" as my teacher called it.

Little Rey of SunshineE.t. Is scary because I saw it as a little kid and I never got over it

shelbydo u mean the prince and I? I've never heard of the King and I.
